The universe is a delicate balance of integrity and coexistence, with disparate forms coming together to form a single cohesive entity. This philosophy of harmony permeates the fabric of the world around us, blurring the boundaries between life and the non-living, individuals and communities.
This beautiful dance of coexistence is reflected in the spirit of Magari, where disparate community crafts amalgamate into one – a singular design that forms a true reflection of its origins. It sings of ‘each one’ and ‘everyone’ in the same breath of structure, art and function.
The subliminal message of balance precipitates into the design of this stone table bringing together the historic stone-carving art from the famed Mammallapuram and the modern weightlessness of contemporary materials into one fluid design. One that echoes the fluidity of the script of the historic Tamil language, an inspiration behind the very design through the unique triple-dotted ayutha letter.
The two-part design of contrasting polished stone – smooth black and rough grey – creates an experience of weightless wonder while staying true to the roots of coexistence in harmony.
Relations between individuals and communities are oft volatile, but for enduring harmony, stability is of paramount importance. It is the balancing-point where contradictions meet coexistence to pave the way for a new era of tradition.
The low-seating dining chairs may hail from more modern times with brass and upholstery. But the form of wood and strings take beholders back to the origins of craft in tenacious surroundings, where stability was imperative.
Explore the full collection.